Jordan ended up having to work and DJ all weekend for V-day weekend. I had a couple days of vacation to spare, and work has been burning me out quite a bit, decided to take em sunday monday that weekend to coincide with Jordan's Days off. Of course, with our luck, we ended up going the two coldest days of the week....but who can complain. We were getting out of Raleigh and staying somewhere where we had no obligations to do anything else other than relaxing and bumming. Also, we forgot to take into account it is the off season (oops...^_^;;;;) so nothing was really open. All in all, we did everything we would do in a normal weekend off together, bum around drinking and watching movies :) Just as equally enjoyable... ^_^

Our Oceanfront room ^_^

Me: 'Looookk at the Camera!!!'
Jordan: ' o_O'

And then we got it right :)

I got this Tilapia Dish at Outback

Jordan got a big fat steak..hahaha..No homo :P

OMG...SO YUMMY...BTW that Chocolate thing was called:
"Chocolate Thunder from Down Under".....**pause**

He is a Animal am I :P

It was sooo pretty...BUT SO COLD!

Yeah he was freezing

Breakfast at 'Grints n Grill'

Grits were BANGIN!

Goodbye Beach :(

but first..."BEWARE FOR BEARS N FOXES!" O_o
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